On February 22nd, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from across 150 countries will celebrate global sisterhood on International World Thinking Day!

How did World Thinking Day start?
At a conference in 1926, Girl Guides and Girl Scout delegates from around the world gathered in the United States for their 4th World Conference.  The leaders agreed that there would be a special day where girls could get together, express thanks, and show appreciation for each other.  In 1999, this event became International World Thinking Day, and is now celebrated globally.

How do Girl Scouts and Girl Guides Celebrate?
International World Thinking Day gives girls an opportunity to not just think big, but to actually do something big.  Girls are challenged to tap into their inner activist and are awarded badges based on their activities.

Troops large and small celebrate differently around the world.  Some hold a Honey Roast, to honor and recognize achievements or admirable qualities of a selected individual.  Some award badges by encouraging girls to study flags from around the world, and create their own flag based on the symbols and colors that best represent them.  Other activities include helping girls pinpoint their strengths and struggles, with discussion on how they can use these qualities to become stronger leaders.

How Can You Participate?
Every World Thinking Day has a theme, and this year’s theme is Leadership.  The Girl Guides and Girl Scouts provide extensive tool kits with online Activity Guides by grade level, that help participants to take a stand, share their passion, or join a movement.

We challenge all of you to join us at CampDoc as we celebrate International World Thinking Day with all of our Girl Scout partners, in helping to shape the future leaders of the world.  How will you celebrate International World Thinking Day? Who will you encourage to step up to become a leader in your community?